Hello Kitty is adorable. Like anyone who isn’t a terrorist, miserable grump or talk-radio caller, I like cute, happy things. Smiles, rainbows, sunshine. The sorts of things a super villain would seek to ban if they took over the world. […]
Tag: curious
Review: Double Dutch Bacon Cheeseburger Sliders potato chips
The new Double Dutch line of potato chips from Old Dutch tries to draw attention away from the whole “chips” thing, choosing instead to bill them as “appetizers.” Flavours include Bacon Cheeseburger Sliders (sampled here), Burstin’ Onion, Calamari and Tzatziki, […]
Review: Almond Fresh Noel Nog
We’ve been over this. Eggnog is awesome. Thick, rich, creamy and generally delicious, it’s a seasonal treat that temporarily contributes to the annual December stretching of the waistline. We’ve examined the difference between Original, Classic and Light eggnog, and we’ve […]
Review: Hawaiian Host Macadamias Glazed with Kona Coffee
In the deepest days of an Alberta winter, I allow myself to fantasize about sunny places with beautiful beaches, Starbucks patios sheltered by the shade of palm trees, and easy access to the Sunday New York Times. I know some […]
Review: Awake caffeinated chocolate bar
Finally, at long last, a chocolate bar for the student cram session. Not only can you satisfy your snack-craving with an Awake chocolate bar, but you can also get a caffeine jolt equivalent to drinking about 3 cans (355 mL […]
Review: Heinz Tomato Ketchup Blended with Balsamic Vinegar
Sometimes, food brand extensions are magic. For example, Honey Nut Cheerios are fantastic, but regular Cheerios do nothing for me. Other times, brand extensions are useless additions to a store’s shelf space, the kind of thing that seemed like a […]
Review: Maple Bacon Kettle Chips
Before I go any further, let me bring forward an example of the profound absurdity of the universe: I found these oily, sweet, salty, smoky potato chips at PLANET ORGANIC – after many years of moderating asinine online comments as […]
Review: Lay’s Do Us a Flavour potato chips
When I started hunting for the four different Do Us a Flavour potato chip varieties from Lay’s a couple weeks ago, they were very hard to find, at least around Calgary. It was as though there’d been a run on […]