There was a time when Cheerios was an ostensibly healthy cereal – bland and oat-y, but nothing special. Then came Honey Nut Cheerios, and there was much rejoicing from children. Finally, a cereal that they could sell to their parents […]
Tag: sweet
Review: Rogers Plantation Raw Sugar
Some coffees are rich and complex and full of delicate flavours. They sparkle in the cup, with just the right amounts of acidity and body, with maybe some stone fruit or dried berry character. (Hello, Ethiopian beans!) And some coffees […]
Review: Nescafé Sweet and Creamy Original
K-Cups. Those awful little capsules that cost way too much (which you’d know if you could do basic math, which, statistically speaking, you probably can’t), weigh on the conscience of anyone who thinks about future generations who’ll be stuck on […]
Review: Reese Big Cup Stuffed with Pieces
When faced with the unenviable convenience-store dilemma of choosing between Reese Peanut Butter Cups and Reese’s Pieces, your choice, until recently, has been an unsatisfactory “pick one or buy both.” What kind of horrible world do we live in? Is […]
Review: Kerr’s Maple Kisses
Around our house, maple syrup coats our pancakes, sweetens our smoky chipotle chili and mingles with lemon on our standby oven-roasted baby potatoes. I try not to be caught without a bottle of the stuff in the fridge. Why? Because […]
Review: Tic Tac Mixers Cherry Cola
I’m not sure what happened to Tic Tac in the last few years, but they’ve gone from predictably conservative to curiously experimental. Some of their limited edition flavours have been surprisingly good, and the tried-and-true plastic container filled with tiny […]
Review: Reese Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread
In my early years, I grew up in a household where granola was made at home, sugar was largely shunned and healthy homemade meals were the rule, not the exception. Until I started elementary school, I assumed this was normal, […]
Review: Lay’s Wavy Milk Chocolate Potato Chips
When most well-adjusted, liberty-loving North Americans think “chocolate chips,” it’s the classic cookie that comes to mind, not potato chips drenched in chocolate. And yet here we have Lay’s Wavy Milk Chocolate Covered Potato Chips, an idea that seems certain […]